Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tda 2.9

Support Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour 1. 1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour ————————————————- ————————————————- Policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting positive behaviour, eg: ————————————————- †¢ behaviour policy ————————————————- †¢ code of conduct ————————————————- rewards and sanctio ns ————————————————- †¢ dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour ————————————————- †¢ anti-bullying ————————————————- †¢ attendance 1. 2 Describe, with examples, the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting ————————————————- ————————————————-It is crucial for all s taff to be consistent as then the children know exactly what is expected of them each time they come to the child minders. It also really helps that if the rules we put into place at the child minders are then, if not already done, are put into place at home, as then this will help children to be less confused and only have one set of rules, which is why at this stage it is essential for consistency. Once the child is older it may also be helpful if the child is involved in drawing up the boundaries and rules to follow and may assist them in taking responsibility for their actions and behaviour. . 1 Describe the benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour ————————————————- ————————————————- A key way of children learning behaviour and attitude comes from watching their peers and adults around them, so if all staff can show a positive attitude and show kindness then the children will pick this way of thinking up and start acting in the manor aswell. 3. 2 Describe the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred ————————————————-It always depends on each child and their circumstances. ————————————————- For example if the child’s parents have just split up and their not seeing one of their parents they are going to be upset and angry and may lash out. This is why good communications skills with the child’s parents is key as you know what’s happening and therefore you maybe can see why the child is behaving in a certain manner. —â €”——————————————- ————————————————- Inappropriate language, taking about private parts, this should be looked into further with the child’s parents. ———————————————— ————————————————- Violence, Kicking, punching, ————————————————- ————————————————- Verbal abuse, swearing etc.. ——————â €”—————————- ————————————————- All these above should be talked through with the parents firstly, unless the child has explained that this behaviour is because of sexual abuse for example then this should be referred to social services for them to investigate. Tda 2.9 MU 2. 4 MU 2. 4:TASK 1 1. 1 Outline the health and safety policies and procedures of the work setting. If an accident occurs write down in accident book. No matter how small the injury is. With a double signature from staff and end of the day by parents Medical Records. Only prescription drugs to be recorded. Making sure the gate is always shut on the entrance to the kitchen area so the children can’t go in and get hurt or burnt. All cleaning products are locked away in the kitchen area and children are not allowed in there. Fire exits always clear and known to staff and back exit gate key on hook if needed.Making sure children wash their hands after the toilet and before eating. Continual risk assessment of new and on-going tasks and areas of the children’s surroundings. i. e. If I see an overhanging bramble/branch in the garden, I would need to cut it off and mention it to the manger before children can play. If there were objects that could cause unnecessary accident s they would need picking up. If there was lots of mess on the floor like paper that would need to be cleaned up to avoid slips. This would be the same if there was water spilt and the manager would need to be informed.Making sure all the rooms are ventilated so the children don’t get over heated and not to cold either. Staff to child ratio on walks would be one adult to two children with the nursery that can increase to one adult to eight children. All people working even the volunteers have to be CRB checked. The following are some of the legislations on which these policies and procedures are based Health and safety at work act 1974 The purpose of this act is to promote and encourage high standards at work place. It protects all the employers, employees, workers and the other member of the public who may be affected by the work activities.Kite marking CE, product safety marking When you see a product with a Kite mark this means BSI has independently tested it and has confi rmed that the product conforms to the relevant British Standard, and has issued a BSI license to the company to use the Kite mark. The manufacturer pays for this service and their product is tested, and the manufacturing process is assessed, at regular intervals. The Kite mark is the symbol that gives consumers the assurance that the product they have bought really does conform to the appropriate British Standard and should therefore be safe and reliable.The Motor vehicles (wearing of seat belts) regulations 2006 The original proposed law require all passengers aged 3 years and over to wear a seat belt in buses and coaches, if fitted. RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises are required by law to report specified workplace incidents, such as work-related deaths, major injuries, 7-day injuries (those causing more than seven day’s inability to carry out normal duties ), work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents).Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises are required by law to report specified workplace incidents, such as work-related deaths, major injuries, 7-day injuries (those causing more than seven day’s inability to carry out normal duties), work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents). Childcare act 2006 The Childcare Act, passed into law on 11 July 2006, is pioneering legislation – the first ever exclusively concerned with Early Years and childcare. Measures in the act formalize the important strategic role local authorities play, through a set of duties.These duties require authorities to work with their NHS and Job Centre Plus partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to five years of age and reduce inequalities between them, secure sufficient childcare for working parents, provide a parental information service, Provide information, advice and training for childcare providers. Food hygiene legislation 2006 Anyone who owns manages or works in a food business, apart from those working in primary food production such as harvesting, slaughtering or milking, is affected by these Regulations.They apply to anything from a cafe to a five star restaurant, from a village hall where food is prepared to a large supermarket, or to a vending machine. Manual handling operations regulations 1992 The Regulations establish the following clear hierarchy of control measures: 1. Avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable, for example by redesigning the task to avoid moving the load or by automating or mechanising the process. 2.Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided. 3. Reduce the risk of injury from those operations so far as is reasonably practicable. Where possible, you should provide mechanical assistance, for example a sack trol ley or hoist. Where this is not reasonably practicable, look at ways of changing the task, the load and working environment. 1. 2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting. All staff is responsible for the health and safety in a setting.The lines of responsibility are divided among different staff members but the manager and the deputy manager have the most responsibly and after that the room leaders or the supervisors have the responsibility for health and safety. A rota is set to carry out certain health and safety check, a risk assessment is made every morning at the start of the day before the nursery starts, by carrying out risk assessments you can reduce the risk of injury or harm, and anything that is broken or damaged or not working fine has to be removed and noted down. Whoever plans an activity is responsible for the risks or hazards involved in that activity.Any incident or accident has to be proper logged in a record boo k and has to be notified to the respective person either manager, deputy manager or the parents of that particular child. In my placement of work I am asked to report any problem or risk to my supervisor who is responsible for my assessment. For serious health and safety issues like if an abuse or serious neglect is suspected towards a child then the head can report to health and safety executives, Ofsted, child protection agency and NSPCC. 1. 3 explains what risk assessment is and how this is managed in the work setting.Daily safety checks are made to manage risk assessment like checking of all the fire exits that they are clear at all times, fire drill procedures are displayed, dangerous objects are cleared away, health and safety hazards like broken furniture, any slippery carpet , slippery surface due to liquid or sand is cleaned, check for damaged or broken toys, hygiene and cleanliness of the room, all toxic materials are locked away, electrical sockets undamaged and secured, furniture and other fixed equipment is in working order, accident/incident book on site, signing-in book out, first aid box at place and complete, no sharp edges on either toys or furniture, cleanliness of toilets, animal faeces outside the play area, entrance is secure. TASK 2 2. 1 Explain why a safe but challenging environment is important for children and young people. It is the responsibility of the work setting to provide safe environment to the children but at the same time there are always risks involved. The children will be over protected if they are not involved in any challenging activities.Children are always curious and they want to take risks like climbing ropes or riding bicycles or jumping from higher surfaces. These activities will bring in confidence in them, make them brave and strong, they will have a good feeling about themselves, and they have something adventurous to tell their parents. But at the same time it is the responsibility of the work place to have an up to date health and safety policy so as to ensure whatever activities children are in involved are in accordance with the legislations. 2. 2 Identify the difference between risk and hazard. A risk is a chance high or low that someone will be harmed by a hazard.While a hazard is anything that can cause harm. Every day life activities include a lot of risks like slipping or tripping, falling down. A child care setting on a major high road can be serious risk; the hazards involved are fast moving traffic which can be controlled by having a strong fencing. Risk is a situation and hazard is a danger that is present in that risk. 2. 3 Identify potential hazards to the health, safety and security of children and young people. The security hazards include no cctv at the entrance of the building, no fencing around the play area. Entrance is not secure, picking up of the children, unauthorized entry in the building, damage or vandalism to the building. f children are going for an outing th e potential hazards are not wearing high visibility jackets, crossing the road, the strangers on the outside, playing with poisonous plants, trying to pick something from the grass to eat, they try to reach for wires or sockets, they reach for cleaning liquids, try to go to the kitchen if its unlocked, try to go out if find a door open. The health and safety hazards are children getting injured, hurt, sick, infection spreading, being abused either physically or emotionally, if there is a fire and someone is hurt it is a hazard, the broken and dirty toys, damaged equipment, unbalanced or lose ropes or ladders in the garden, slippery surface due to snow in the garden, faeces or litter in the outside play area. TASK 3 3. 1 identify non medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting.The following are some of the non medical incidents and emergencies that can occur in a work setting, they include missing child, fire, bomb threat, unauthorized person in the building, floods, any damage or vandalism in the building, bullying, lack or loss of services like gas, electricity, heating or water, staff issues like strike, snow , closure by ofstead, a gas leak, hazardous spillage, emergency closure. 3. 2 outline the actions to take in response to the following situations: a) Fire b) Security incidents c) Emergency incidents. (This will cross over with TDA2. 2: 2. 4) 4. 1 IDENTIFY THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS WHICH MANY INDICATE THAT A CHILD OR YOUNG PERSON IS INJURED OR UNWELL.The following are some of the signs and symptoms which can be recognized when we suspect that a child or young person is not well or injured If a child is not active in the setting, sitting quietly, not involving in the other activities, showing no interest in eating, feeling low, coughing, not playing with the other children, moody ,dehydration, diarrhoea or vomiting then these are some of the signs that the child is unwell. In case of an injury if a child is not walking properly, or rubbing a particular area, feeling dizzy, bruising. The injury can be something that happened at home or happened at the setting and the child didn’t tell anyone. In case of young people they show lack of interest in studies, keeping it to themselves, not cheerful, feeling dizzy, quite. These are a few of the signs and symptoms which indicate that they are not well. 4. 2 Identify circumstances when children or young people, may need urgent medical attention.There are certain conditions which can be handled by the first aider in the setting like bruising , or a bump but when certain situation arises when a person needs un urgent medical condition like if they are hurt and there is an open wound which is bleeding, they have a serious burn, they have a head injury and they are feeling dizziness or blackouts, being unconscious or unresponsive, fractured their limbs, difficulties in breathing and blue lips or having an allergic reaction to something, having a temperature of more t han 38c, in all these cases the staff at the setting is required to call for an immediate medical help and call an ambulance and need to inform the parents or carers as soon as possible. 4. 3 Outline own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or a young person requiring urgent medical attention. This question is a cross reference with TDA 2. 2:2. 1, 2. , 2. 3. 5. 1 describe the reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses. There are different kinds of injuries that can happen in the result of an accident. In case of serious accidents like a major injury with an open wound, a head injury with dizziness, electric shock, fractured limbs or unconsciousness ,severe allergic reactions these are all serious injuries and need urgent medical attention and need more than a first aider to help around. All this has to be reported to health and safety executive, the manager of the setting and the parents. This has to be recorded in the accident record book with all the details.In case of incidents which involve minor injuries that can be dealt with the help of first aider like minor bruises, slipping or tripping, vomiting, incidents that involve bullying, damage to the building, entry of an unauthorized person they are all incidents and they have to be recorded in an incident record book with all the details and manager has to be aware of this at all times. Illnesses such as high fever, vomiting, and stomach ache, signs of cold cough or flu they have all to be recorded in the Childs individual record book with all the details. In case of emergencies like a fire evacuation, or a bomb threat they have to be recorded in the emergency record book with all the details as how the emergency was dealt with. 6. 1 Outline procedures for infection control in own work setting. There are certain procedures that have to be carried out when dealing with the infection control in the work setting. Personal protective equipment includes disposable glov es, aprons and in certain cases goggles.They have to be worn while changing, feeding, anything to do with spillage of blood, vomiting, urine or any liquids that contain the risk to spread infection. Children should be encouraged to wash hands before and after eating, they need to wash hands after certain activities like playing with sand, playing outside and while using glue in arts and crafts and after playing with the play dough. They toys have to be clean and should be regularly checked. Pedal bins are provided; paper towels are always available in the bathrooms so that children can use them whenever they come out of the toilet. The staff is advised to keep their nails short at all times and keep their hair tied up while working with children to prevent the spreading of infection.Any spillage has to be cleaned and disposed off immediately to prevent the infection. If children are ill with the symptoms or cold or flu , their parents are advised not to send them to school and have to wait for at least 48 hours before all the symptoms have gone, with other serious illnesses like chicken pox and measles they have to wait for a specific time to be returned to school and in some cases need a letter from their GP. 6. 2 Describe personal protective clothing that is used to prevent spread of infection. Personal protective clothing is a term used to describe the clothing and equipment that is used in a work setting to prevent from any infections or injuries.They include disposable gloves which can be worn while changing a baby, cleaning of any fluids like vomiting, urine or any spillage, used in kitchen and have to be disposed of every time . Disposable aprons have to be worn during the changing, feeding, cooking and cleaning; some cases required wearing of goggles. TASK 4 7. 1 Identify the procedures of the work setting governing the receipt, storage and administration of medicines. According to the guidance set out in the childcare setting ‘medicines must not usually be administered unless they have been prescribed for that child by a doctor, dentist or a pharmacist’. The workplace is not allowed to give medicines to children who are ill, but there are certain circumstances where exceptions can be made.The medicines can only be given if they needed to be but only with a written consent letter from the parents, and a doctors or GP letter. They have sign in the medicine with the manager in their child’s individual record book. The records are always kept in a medicine record book with each child’s name, age, class, the reason for the medicine, how much dose has to be given and how much was given each time, who gave the medicine and who administrate it. The medicine has to be put in a secure location that is in the office usually and can only be accessed by the manager or whoever is allowed to administrate it. The medicine can only be given by the manager, deputy manager or qualified level 3 workers.The consent form ha s to be signed by the parents at all time and each time at the end of the day they have to be informed about the dosage given and signed by the parents. 7. 2 Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners. The procedures at the workplace are carried out in such a way as to protect everyone including the children and the people working there. The main aim of the practitioners is to protect the children from any harm possible either physical or emotional. There are several procedures that are carried out from health and safety policies and procedures which ensure the protection of the children and the people working in the setting.The procedures carried out for the health and safety of children, fire drills, no unauthorized entry in the building, hygiene, safe indoor and outdoor activities, administrations of medicines are some of the procedures that are carried out to protect the children and work place. For practitioners the p rocedure that protect them include that they have to keep record of all the incidents and accidents that happen and by recording everything in the record book they ensure that all the records are up to date and if something happens in near future 5the records and the signatures are there. Practitioners are protected by not letting children go with anyone other than the parents or the authorized person, if they have to administer the medicine they need to have the consent signatures of the parents beforehand.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ps I Love You Film Review Essay

â€Å"Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone.† This quotation comes from book â€Å"PS I love you†, written by Cecelia Ahern, and perfectly describes the novel. This book is definitely for women, when you read this you can find yourself laughing and crying all at once. Holly and Gerry had a perfect life. They are happily married, they lived in Dublin closed to their friends and family, the world lies at their feet. When Gerry dies, Holly is devastated. At the day of her 30th birthday, the man who was her soul mate, her lover, has left her. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. But before he died, Gerry wrote a series of letters, some kind of guide includes a mission for Holly to get her life back on track. Over the years which they were together Garry has always been the organized one and long before he became sick he joked with Holy that if he died before her, he would leave her a special list of things to do to assure her life ran smoothly without him. And he kept his promise. Holly discovers that her mother has a large envelope for her. One for each of the remaining months of the year. Letters are delivered in surprising ways, each contained a new adventure or challenges and each signing of in the same way: â€Å"P.S. I Love You†. It’s a bittersweet tale that not only focuses on death but also celebrates life and the joy that is found in living. And although Holly eventually finds peace through the letters that Gerry has left behind, it’s her family and friends that play the biggest part in helping her to let go and move on from grief. Holly’s mother and best friends begin to worry that Gerry’s letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but in fact, each letter is pushing her further into a new future. Gerry’s first instructions are not only to Holly, but also to her best friends, to get out and celebrate Holly’s birthday together. Denise and Sharon seem to represent two aspects of life, Sharon is married and is on her way to building a family, while Denise is still single. She is looking for the right guy, but she does not want to waste time, so she has her checklist. She is definitely not shy but the most importantly, she is a good friend. Holly’s friend Sharon is married to John, who, as often happens with couples, was Gerry’s best friend. John is in a bit of a strange position because he loved Gerry, too, and maybe he is feeling a little left out. John thinks he will never have another friend like Gerry. The next character is The new bartender in Patricia’s pub, Daniel meets and forms an instant attraction to Holly at, of all places, Gerry’s wake. Is interesting, and spontaneous and he says things that are unpredictable, and does not feel the need to apologize if people are taken aback. He becomes a shoulder for Holly to lean on because he is the one person among her friends who didn’t know Gerry so there’s no reason for him to tread lightly or walk on eggshells when his name comes up, which she finds refreshing. Daniel is brave enough to speak his mind, and I think that is helpful to Holly in dealing with her loss. With Gerry’s words as her guide, Holly embarks on a journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into a new beginning for life. The tasks range was different, from getting a new job to singing karaoke in front of a nightclub audience. With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly aversely embraces each of the tasks and discovers along the way that she has more inner strength than she could ever have imagined. She also struggle with feelings of guilt when she meets a handsome man who is clearly attracted to her. The love story is told in a unique way. The main character must started to live without her husband. He was the earth she lived, the ground she stepped and air she breathes. She did not have a proper job, she was not ambitious, she did not have any hobbies. Everything she did in her life revolved around Gerry. They were talking about how unpredictable life could be as one didn’t always get what one expected. No matter how many times you read this book, it will always brings you a smile on your lips with tears in your eyes. This is one of those books that make you cry from the time it starts, then later on lifts you up with some comedy, proceeds with an aura of hope and some heart-warming flash-backs. Cecelia Ahern has written this book brilliantly, she describes the emotions and struggle of life. Author also has taught me a valuable lesson about the true meaning of living and the divide between life and death, and gave the lesson about what it takes to lead meaningful and purposeful life. I really enjoyed it book. It is a romance, but it explores a hard issue. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves a good dramatic, and funny fiction story. Of the front of the book you can find a quote: â€Å"Everyone needs a guardian angel† and I hope we all do.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The communication characteristics of children from single -child Research Proposal

The communication characteristics of children from single -child families - Research Proposal Example Second, the only child acquires the entire public, touching, and matter resources those parents have to provide. He/she is their only recipient. As parents usually make a high venture in fostering and providing for the child, they often have a high hope of return. They look forward to the child to produce well. Thirdly, the only child has unrivalled right of entry to parents and all they provide because the only child has no siblings with whom to bond, to be matched up to, to struggle against, or to contradict, the child turns out to be adultized from recognizing and interacting with these primary parental companions. Emotionally involved to parents and well reared by them, the only child obtains a lot of parental consideration, warmth, recognition, and support that possibly contribute to one of the more reliable research findings (The adolescent only child). Family communication methods vary among parents of diverse demographic sections as well as among diverse twosome relationships. Parents with an advanced education level and families with advanced household earnings connected more often in concept-leaning communication (Chan and McNeal). This study will emphasize on the communication traits of children from single-child families in China under the one-child policy. One-child policy was recognized in China by Deng Xiaoping, Chinese leader in 1979 to restrict socialist Chinas population expansion (Rosenberg). According to Lu, Jia, and Heisey (2002), the youngsters who are from single-child families are more probable to be occupied in the family acquisition activities than those who are not. They asserted that the young people who are from notion-oriented families have more probability to be engaged in family obtaining activities than those who are not. They also viewed that those youngsters who have more monetary resources have the high chance to be involved in family purchasing behavior than those who are not. Chen and Ma (2002) assessed that there is an

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personalized Medicine And Its Using For Predicting Disease Essay - 1

Personalized Medicine And Its Using For Predicting Disease - Essay Example With the rapid advancements in biotechnology and other disciplines of biology, I believe that within the next twenty-five years, personalized medicine would become an integral part of our world, making an enormous impact on the healthcare and medicine. In the model of personalized medicine, each individual is different and medication needs to be tailored according to his bodily requirements rather than using the same medicine for every individual for a particular disease (National Institute of Health). However, in order to make the personalized medicine a reality, the ‘doctor’ should have sufficient information about the patient, generally in the form of his genome. In 2001, when the Human Genome Project was completed, the cost of sequencing the entire genome exceeded 100 million dollars. However, with the advancements in biotechnology, the cost has drastically fallen to just ten thousand dollars (National Human Genome Research Institute). Even though this amount is still out of reach of a common man, the decrease in cost is quite dramatic. With the increased funding in the field of biology, it is expected that the cost would further reduce and eventually it would be within the reach of every person to have his genome sequenced. This would have far-reaching consequences and usher the humans into the new realm of personalized medicine. Hundreds of diseases could be prevented through earlier diagnosis as the data from the genome could indicate potential tendencies in an individual to develop a certain disease (Starr). The development described above would have a radical impact not only on the general well-being of the humans but it would also have far-reaching consequences on the lifestyle as well as the economy.

Identify Gaps or Weaknesses of the Research or Outcomes Essay

Identify Gaps or Weaknesses of the Research or Outcomes - Essay Example Weaknesses refer to the quality of lacking strength or firmness. It refers to a state of having defective or inadequate character. The researcher finds Corporate Social Responsibility as an area of major concern in the society. All people and the government should emphasize on it since it addresses many issues affecting the diverse community. Research shows that there is numerous violations to CSR and the government should undertake measures to curb it. Description of research is unfocused and thus inefficient in describing the purpose of research There are many people who question the validity and authenticity of Corporate Social Responsibility since there is evidence of contradiction between what corporations do and say. This makes the description of the research appear as unfocussed or inefficient in describing its purpose. Despite that companies adhere to the rules governing Corporate Social Responsibility, impunities persist. These include the global economic crisis and other et hical issues involving pharmaceutical companies, child labour, and sweatshops. People, therefore, do not realize the relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility in the society since impunity and corporate abuses is increasing (Westhuizen and Maree, 2009). The hypothesis is doubtful, ill-defined, and unsound as the evidence is insufficient The research does not give comprehensive analysis of a wide range of information to assess the credibility of the information. To determine whether Corporate Social Responsibility is still significant, it carries out a documentary analysis of some articles only. The research should not rely on documentary analysis of articles only but should gather information from different sources. It should gather information from websites, journals, newspapers, research, and other documentaries that will enhance the credibility of the information. This will ensure that the research is thoroughly reliable and appropriate for decision making since it is credible . The research is inconsistent in defining Corporate Social Responsibility and gives various definitions that differ. This is an indication that the research is doubtful, unsound, insufficient or ill-defined since it has inconsistencies that should not exist. This definition makes it ambiguous to decision makers and deters them from assess the impacts of its each dimension to the company (Narayan, 2002). There are various ways that the researchers should design their method of research to overcome the weaknesses or plug the gaps. One of the major ways of achieving this role is by providing sound and sufficient evidence. The researchers should gather information for or against Corporate Social Responsibility from many different sources to avoid ambiguity. They have only relied on a few documentary articles. They do not provide sufficient information that one needs to make a viable conclusion about Corporate Social Responsibility. For a paper to have credibility of information, it sho uld ensure that it should gather information from different sources at different periods (Hoque, 2006). The fact that people question the validity and authenticity of Corporate Social Responsibility makes the description of the paper appear as unfocussed. Companies claim to follow the Corporate Social Responsibility rules, yet impunity is at the highest marked by various ethical problems in the society like child labour. This is an indi

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Planning Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Marketing Planning - Research Proposal Example (2006) is an online retailer of anime related products: Dvds and Music; Manga and Books; Toys and Figures; Art Work; Cards and Games; and other merchandise such as accessories, jewelry, and even kitchenware. The company sells over 10,000 diverse products in the anime genre. also caters to the multimedia consumer, offering specialized downloads such as wallpapers and avatars (used in Internet forums, emails and online gaming). This diversity in product, design and orientation allows to offer consumers a wide variety of the most popular anime titles through E-commerce and telephone purchases. (2006) slogan is "Your Online Anime Mega Store for all your Anime Needs" and advertises that "Unlike our competitors our focus is not only the North American market, rather we cater to the needs of customers in all countries worldwide." Claiming "price leadership and unparalleled customer service" ( 2006) the company exhibits a strong focus on total quality management in the domains of business to customer and business to business transactions. There are multiple products and services available. ... th American market, rather we cater to the needs of customers in all countries worldwide." Claiming "price leadership and unparalleled customer service" ( 2006) the company exhibits a strong focus on total quality management in the domains of business to customer and business to business transactions. There are multiple products and services available. This marketing proposal paper will focus on expanding the services to include tailored customer relationship management service using use-case scenario technology and focus on expansion service lines in opening markets, particularly the female age 15-24 market that is highly undeserved in the anime industry. Marketing Environment has a strong market orientation towards customer relationship management (CRM). CRM is "identifying prospective buyers, understanding them intimately, and developing favourable long-term perceptions of the organisation and its offerings so that buyers will choose them in the marketplace" (Kerin p 21 2002). Animeinternational utilises several online techniques with the purpose of concentrating towards CRM. Some of these methods include blogging, online community, and 'fan fiction.' This type of 'free service' allows to communicate with, understand and respond to the average consumer base, which has been identified as the young adult male in the Internet and gaming community ( 2006). also offers online 'chat' customer service, telephone service and specialised anime resources, such as an encyclopaedia. By continuously interacting with the customer base through communication, exhibits strong consumer relationship management. Company (2006)

Friday, July 26, 2019

Franklin's Contributions to DNA Research Assignment

Franklin's Contributions to DNA Research - Assignment Example The eye has two stages of evolution at early and old age. Fovea of the eye has the best evolving characteristics and thus it quickly increases in complexity fast than other parts of the eye. This part has a high affinity for light and color sensitivity, especially during the day. The retina of the eye is primitive compared to the fovea. Ladd-Franklin conclusively found that color vision was completely achieved in three phases. The first stage is an achromatic vision where an individual only distinguishes black and white. The second stage an individual differentiates and is sensitive to blue and yellow colors. The third stage a person is sensitivity and clearly distinguishes red and green. Most people have difficulties distinguishing red and green since it is preceding to evolve and comes in old age. The second stage affects a few people because it comes at middle age and where most people are able to live too. The first deficiency in color distinguishing does not affect most people b ecause they successfully grow past this stage. Thus, black-white color blindness does not exist (Scarborough 10). Â  Christine faced serious setbacks in her career life. The most challenging setback comes after she had graduated and thus the worse in her young career life. The major challenge was eviction from a group of well-known experimental psychologists whom the university referred to as the Experimentalists. At Cornell University, chief psychologist Titchener, a male began the association by inviting departmental heads of all psychological laboratories. He also invited established and up-coming junior departmental leaders (Scarborough 13). In addition, he invited students who had graduated before to grace the informal seminar. Christine was disappointed because Titchener did not invite her to the meeting. He further stated that no female would be invited to the launching of the association.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Organisations analyse and strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Organisations analyse and strategies - Essay Example m of politics based on â€Å"adaptive planning† to regulate the rapid and uneven change characterizing the current situation, which embodies an acceptance of pluralism and the surrender of power. (Hammond, 2003, p. 59) Now, what Hammond means here are two aspects of the same situation. By ‘acceptance of pluralism’ he means choice of multiple solutions and whenever there is more than one solution in any organisation, manager has to select one thereby rejecting the rest of them. This creates ‘conflicting situations’ which Hammond has referred to as ‘surrender of power’. This tension between the recognized need for pluralism and the desire for influence or control is absolutely critical to a consideration of the impact of systems thinking, and forms the basis for ‘soft’ approaches within the field. Soft Systems Approach is mostly used in information systems as an instantiation of information technology, where the same information technology can be instantiated in different ways. SSA usage is also highlighted in Management Information Systems, therefore, is that it involves not just information technology, but also its instantiation. There are the rich organisational and political processes whereby a given set of information technology is instantiated and there are the rich organisational and political processes pertaining to the continual managing, maintaining, and changing of the information technology so as to sustain the instantiation. In the same spirit, socio-technical systems theory also make use of SSA thereby making the claim that separate efforts to optimise the technical system alone and the social system alone will not only lead to a global suboptimum, but can even be unfeasible in the first place. Equally, the same information system can be a success in one organisation but a failure in another, while the same organisation can experience success with one information system but failure with another. Hence, on one hand SSA creates

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Managinh across cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managinh across cultures - Essay Example Corporations are currently enjoying the benefits of globalisation. Companies now have a large consumer base and a wide supply of labour. However, globalisation has resulted in a series of new challenges. Cultural conflict is one of the major challenges facing managers today. The issue of culture is a relatively modern problem arising from the rapid globalisation of societies. Therefore, managers are required to adopt effective cross cultural management style so as to reduce cultural conflicts and enhance business success. Cross cultural management is detrimental to the success of a business. As a management style, this new method enables managers to develop innovative means of handling intercultural communication. Moreover, cross cultural management enables companies to enhance their capacity to establish, develop and maintain their businesses in the constantly changing business environment (Velo 2011:3). Companies that effectively utilise cross cultural management enhance their position to profit in the business field. The complexity and challenges resulting from globalisation, managers need to comprehend how to work with other people and organisations around the world. Cultural competence is detrimental to the success of the business in the globalised world. There are various definitions of culture. Sigmund Feud defined culture as â€Å"The construction that hides the pulsional and libido-oriented reality governing a society (Velo 2011:3).† Herder defined culture as a way of being that members of a nation identify with. Kardurer contributed to the description by stating that â€Å"Culture is the psycho-characteristic configuration of the basis of personality (Velo 2013:3).† Hofstede’s definition of culture states that â€Å"Culture involves the mental programming of the human spirit that prohibits distinguishing of members of one category in comparison with members of another category† (Velo

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Decision Making Process Model in Real Life Marketing Essay

Decision Making Process Model in Real Life Marketing - Essay Example The process involves a number of factors that influence the decision making of an individual and includes the various stages that a shopper goes through while purchasing a product thus outlining the flow of activities (both physical and psychological) from the beginning to the end. The interview conducted in this certain scenario was that of an individual who had decided to buy a new pull-out sofa to add to the furniture in their house. The individual needed the sofa for visiting individuals who wanted to spend the night and thus the subject was very particular about getting this particular type of sofa. By studying the decision making process that took place one is able to identify the various variables that were taken into consideration as well as other influences that a played a part in the formation of the final decision. The stages that the consumer went through during this process included: This was the first stage and the consumer identified the problem that they were faced with (the need that they had) and what was required in order to solve the issue once it has been pointed out (Blythe, 2008). In this case the main need of this particular consumer was the provision of a place to sleep for overnight guests that would not take up too much space due to the size of the individual’s living quarters. This could effectively rule out the need for a bed as another one would not be able to fit in the apartment and thus a pull-out sofa arose as the best alternative option on offer. The main issue was ensuring that the needs of the consumer will be satisfactorily met by the purchase of the product that they had in mind (Cheng, Luckett & Schulz, 2003).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Story of Dubliners Essay Example for Free

Story of Dubliners Essay The very first story of Dubliners outlines a large theme that can overlay much of the book and may in part be why James Joyce decided to group all of these short stories into one book. The first short story called â€Å"Two Sisters† focuses on the paralysis of a young boy as the impending death of his mentor Father Flynn draws closer. The boy walks past the priest’s home showing that a part of him cannot let go and that he himself is paralyzed by the loss of his friend and mentor who was prepping him for the priesthood. In the first paragraph of the book the narrator talks of the word paralysis and says â€Å"It filled me with fear, and yet I longed to be nearer to it and to look upon its deadly work† (Joyce, 3). The quote summarizes a recurring theme throughout Dubliners and prepares the reader by showing how paralysis in life is dangerous and leads to unhappiness. The story following â€Å"Two Sisters† is called â€Å"An Encounter† which is about two boys and their adventures while skipping school. Seeking escape from everyday life the boys decide to skip school and have an adventure much like the adventures that Mahoney reads in his books. At the start of their day their original plan is working out for them apart from the fact that Joe Dillon who promised to join them was a no show. However, the title suggests that something would happen to the boys. While they are in a field they see an older man coming right towards them. The old man is particularly creepy towards the boys after asking them about their girlfriends and then leaving walking to another part of the field and then coming back talking of beating Mahoney. Faced by this odd situation the narrator feels paralyzed from taking some sort of action to avoid the old man. Mahoney ran off chasing a cat, but the narrator stayed and instead of leaving as well, the peculiarity of the situation keeps him from acting. The narrator does not respond to the man and sits hoping for the moment to just pass by. Only at the very end of the story is the narrator able to stand up and break free from his paralysis. The next story in Dubliners called â€Å"Araby†, centers around a younger boy who has a crush on his friend’s sister who is likely a few years older. Her presence in the story greatly resembles â€Å"An Encounter† because she is seen as an escape to the narrator. She allows him to break away from the dull dragging on everyday life by giving the boy over romanticized thoughts. He goes to the bazaar to get her a gift, however he arrives late and does not have as much money as wanted to buy her a gift. By the end he gives up his attempts to purchase a gift and has a sort of epiphany; however it is not a positive one. The paralysis in the story centers on this youthful defeat and eludes that life itself will be much the same. The three stories prepare the reader for the paralysis in â€Å"Eveline† because in the stories preceding the paralysis is the same, but slightly different every time. In â€Å"Two Sisters† the narrator is paralyzed from the beginning and thinks heavily on the work itself and how destructive it can be. The narrator foreshadows the theme that continues through the whole novel. In â€Å"An Encounter† the narrator is paralyzed in the field by the old man, but he manages to overcome it after a while and leaves. In â€Å"Araby† the narrator breaks free from paralysis when he has his romanticized feelings for his friend’s sister, but at the end is defeated and thrown back into paralysis after failing to get her a gift. In â€Å"Eveline† the paralysis is so evident that the narrator is described as clinging to the cold iron bars. The theme of paralysis is most evident in this story than it is through the entire novel, however the stories placed before â€Å"Eveline† were needed to help the reader further understand paralysis and how it affects people constantly every day. Short Response 5.In â€Å"Two Gallants† Lenehan receives a great deal of depth even though on the surface he could be seen as a simple con man. Lenehan’s partner, Corely, is fairly one dimensional and is a great contrast from Lenehan. Corley seems content with the life that he lives in that he is described as a â€Å"leech†; however Lenehan is shown in a much different light in that he seems distant when walking with Corely at the beginning of the story, lost in his thoughts. Later when Lenehan is walking on his own he thinks of how he wants to settle down and get a steady job with steady pay and have a good home life possibly with a family. The wishes that he has for a better life shows his depth while his partner has none, but once Lenehan sees the gold chain Corely conned a maid into stealing it seems unlikely Lenehan will change. 2.In â€Å"An Encounter† the narrator and Mahoney skip school in search of adventure, however by the end of the story their relationship has greatly changed. Although the narrator never says anything to Mahoney many of his private thoughts are of him thinking why is Mahoney talking to the old man. He was confused on why Mahoney was egging on the old man by having a conversation while the narrator sat silently. The narrator by the end of the story thinks of Mahoney as dumb for being unable to see the oddness of the situation with the old man as he was able to. 4.In â€Å"Eveline† she is undecided on the notion of leaving with her love, Frank, and abandoning her family, particularly her father. The quote â€Å"It was hard work – a hard life – but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life† plays on the fact that numerous time in the story she changes her mind on whether or not to leave. Certain things make her want to leave such as thinking about how her mother felt stuck, while other things made her want to stay such as the harp playing reminding her of her mother’s death. She constantly is convincing herself to either go or stay even if the reason that she comes up with goes against how she actually feels. Her logic leaves her saying things like the quote in that even though she feels the want to leave she convinces herself it is just as nice to stay home.

Hydrochloric acid and magnesium Essay Example for Free

Hydrochloric acid and magnesium Essay The temperature raised considerably on the other 4 due to the quickness of the reaction. This heat would quicken the reaction due to the fact that the molecules would be vibrating and therefore colliding more often (as explained before).   Sometimes the magnesium floated on the top of the acid. This was not a problem in most cases because the bubbles over lapped the magnesium so it also reacted from the top. However, due to the 0. 5 mole slow reaction, this did not happen. Because of all these inconsistencies, it is difficult to say how reliable my results are. I think that because the results are what I expected, and because I carried out the experiment with care, also the fact that I repeated the experiment many times makes it highly unlikely that the results are inaccurate enough to not be able to draw a valid conclusion from. Evaluation This was a good experiment because it clearly showed my prediction, and where it didnt I was able to spot the errors and am now able to make the experiment better. I worked as I kept a fairly high degree of accuracy, and the experiment had a high margin of error, due to the length of time some of the results could to take. My results were fairly accurate but my error in the rate of reaction of the 0. 5 mole acid could have been down to accuracy, but I seriously doubt it, as I asked around to see if other people had encountered the same problem. Everybody had. I have several theories of why the 0. 5 mole acid did not react as expected.   The temperature raised considerably on the other 4 due to the quickness of the reaction. This heat would quicken the reaction due to the fact that the molecules would be vibrating and therefore colliding more often.   Sometimes the magnesium floated on the top of the acid. This was not a problem in most cases because the bubbles over lapped the magnesium so it also reacted from the top. However, due to the 0. 5 mole slow reaction, this did not happen. To make my experiment more accurate I could have Weighing the magnesium instead of just measuring the length of it. This was an obvious problem as I think my spread of results for the end amount of hydrogen given off was too high. I would have preferred if it were only 1 or 2 ml. But it was 4. 33ml   Setting up another system for getting the magnesium into the acid. When I did the experiment I just dropped the acid in and attached the gas syringe as quickly as possible. The disadvantages with this were:   It was inaccurate   The start of the reaction would be when most gas was given off. The time of attaching the gas syringe was always different.   The gas syringe often jumped forward slightly when I put it on.   Repeated the experiment more times.   Used more acid. This would shop the temperature problem as the temperature would be less likely to change, due to the increase in energy it would take to heat the water. Because of all these inconsistencies, including the 0.5 mole acid result, it is difficult to say how reliable my results are. They are not accurate enough to study the experiment in-depth, however for a general hypothesis such as Aiming to find out whether the concentration of acid effects the speed at which gas is given off, between hydrochloric acid magnesium ribbon and because the results are what I expected, and I carried out the experiment with care, also the fact that I repeated the experiment many times, it is reasonable to presume that I can draw a simple conclusion like, the higher the concentration, the quicker the gas will be given off. If I were to do the experiment again I would change the way I inserted the magnesium into the flask. I think I would have a double chambered flask that would be able to have the wall removed. See diagram. I could combine this idea with the alternative way I could do the experiment, as described in my planning. The method would be to: Place magnesium and the acid in a flask, which is then plugged with cotton wool, to prevent any liquid splashing out, during the reaction. Next, the flask is weighed, then tipped up to let the reactants mix and a clock is started. The mass is noted at regular intervals, until the reaction is complete. I would use the same volumes for all the chemicals in the new experiment, as I see no good reason changing them. I would expect the graph for the result to be much the same, but obviously with different axis labels and values. For example In conclusion, the experiment did prove my prediction that the rate of reaction doubles with when the acid strength doubles. Daniel Hill 10S Rate of Reaction Between. doc Page 1 of 8 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Underwriting Process in Insurance

Underwriting Process in Insurance Underwriting Process In order for the insurance companies to make profit and charge the appropriate rate for an insured, they undergo the underwriting process. Underwriting is the process in which an insurance company determines if an applicant is eligible for insurance and the rate they should charge if the applicant is eligible. In simpler words, it is a process of risk classification. The purpose of insurance underwriting is to spread risk among a pool of insured in a way that is both profitable for the insurer and fair to the customer. Insurance companies need to make a profit like many other businesses. Therefore, it doesnt make sense if they sell insurance for everyone who applies for it. They may not want to charge an excessive high rate to the customer and also it is not good for them to charge the same premium to every policyholder. Underwriting enables the company to weed out certain applicants and to charge the remaining applicants premiums that are commensurate with their level of risk (Conra d, Clark, Goodwin, Morse Kane, 2011). The underwriting process consist of evaluating several sources of an applicant and the use of complex pricing models developed by actuaries that help the insurance companies set prices. I will focus on the risk classification along with some of the factors that help the underwriters classify each applicant and the use of insurance credit scoring that allow the insurance companies to price the premiums. Factors An insurance company usually looks at various factors during the underwriting process in order to evaluate a potential customer in terms of risk. These factors enable the insurer to determine whether or not the potential customer is insurable. If the potential customer is determined to be insurable, then these factors will help to place them in the appropriate risk group. Some of the factors considered are age, sex, health history, current health/physical condition, personal family health history, occupation, personal habits/character, financial condition, and hobbies (Clark, et al, 2011). Some people believe that any characteristic over which we have no control, such as gender, race, and age, should be excluded from insurance underwriting and rating practices (Baranoff, Brockett, Kahane, 2009, p.157). This argument reflect the idea that the factors used by insurance companies should be based on the behavior of the people instead of the quality on which they are born. Risk Classification Risk classification plays an important role in the pricing of the policy. The premium that the customer pays will depend on the category he/she belongs to. Underwriters classify the applicants into four types of risk groups: standard risk, substandard risk, preferred risk and uninsurable/declined risk. Standard risk. Individuals who have a likelihood of loss or the probability of filing a claim that is not significantly greater than the average are classified as standard risks. Based on the underwriting standards of the insurance company, the people in this group are given a term of insurance without being charged for any extra fees or be subjected to any policy restrictions and they are charged with the standard premium rate (Clark, et al, 2011). Most individual life and health insurance policies are issued at standard premium rates. Substandard risk. Insured that are classified as substandard risk or rated risk, are those that have a greater chance of filing a claim. Applicants are classified in this group because of their health and/or other factors that makes them more likely to die earlier than those who dont possess these kinds of risk factors (Clark, et al, 2011). They are usually charged a higher than standard rate because of the added risks that they possess. Examples of people that may be in this category are those who possess a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, drugs and alcohol. Or maybe they engage in some dangerous activities like skydiving or rock climbing. Preferred risk. Applicants classified as preferred risks are those who are expected to have an above average life expectancy (Clark, et al, 2011). People in this group are preferred by the insurance companies because of their health history and good habits. They are usually offered a lower rate or preferred rate. Applicants that may belong to this group are nonsmokers or people that have a good health history. Uninsurable risk. Individuals categorized as uninsurable or declined risk are those that pose a risk that is too great for the insurance company to cover. The applicants conditions are so rare or unique that the company may not be able to arrive at a suitable premium (Clark, et al, 2011), so their policies are generally declined. Examples of this category include people who have a serious illness and people who conduct illegal activities. Insurance Credit Scoring in Pricing After classifying the applicants into one of the risk groups, the insurance company needs to set price for the policies. One of the tools used by the insurance companies for pricing is the credit scores that help them determine the adequate premium for each consumer. Insurance scores are confidential rankings based on credit history information. Insurance scores are used to provide insurers with a snapshot to provide service to consumers. The score is derived from the consumers previous credit history. This data allows the insurers to price insurance premiums/rates more accurately. (Almarshary, Erbek Reddic) Insurance scores estimate the probability of having insured file a claim. The variables commonly used to estimate insurance scores include measures of performance on credit obligations, credit-seeking behavior, use of credit, length of credit history, and types of credit used (Powell, 2009). They do not include race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, address, salary, disability, occupation, title, employer, date employed or employment history for scoring purposes (Anonymous, 2009). Insurers have found a strong correlation between insurance claims and credit scores. People with low scores are more likely to file claims than people with high scores (Lankford, 2007). They also discovered that people who made late payments tended to have more claims (Almarshary, et al). Improving credit score can certainly make a big difference in the premiums. More insurers now are considering credit scores when setting premium rates. Credit scoring enables insurers to better assess the risk of future claims. In fact, insurance credit scoring helps insurers to differentiate between higher and lower insurance risk (Almarshary, et al). Therefore, insurers will charge a premium based on the information provided by the credit score. When insurers use insurance scores to improve the accuracy of predicted losses, it benefits individuals and society (Powell, 2009). Premiums are closely related to consumers risk of loss on average, so insurance scores increase the fairness in insurance pricing outcomes. Insurance scoring also adds value to insurance transactions. Because insurance scores are accurate and inexpensive rating variables; it reduces the overall cost of providing insurance and this reduction in cost is applied to the premiums of the customer (Powell, 2009). Many people may not be familiar with the underwriting process, but knowing the factors that affect the decision of the insurers of placing you into one of the risk groups, is very useful. In this way, you can easily know if you can be chosen as a potential customer based on your personal information and even if you are not chosen as a potential customer, you might at least know what to avoid in order to decrease the chance of your policy being rejected. Finally, we have to notice the importance of the credit scores, because many insurance companies used it nowadays to price the premiums. Having a good credit history is a key factor to get a lower premium rate in the policy.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Metaphor Title of Sense and Sensibility Essay -- Jane Austen

In this novel Jane Austen uses the title of the book itself as a metaphor to illustrate the differences between the two main characters, with Elinor to represent the sense and Marianne to represent the sensibility. Sense and sensibility also indicates a split division, polar opposites, and how these opposites compliment each other, as can be seen throughout the novel. The dominant theme in this novel is sense prevailing over sensibility. It is a theme which can be seen in most of the characters; however the concentration is on Elinor and Marianne, who are two sisters and are often perceived as polar opposites. Marianne tends to be viewed as the `sensibility' and Elinor as the `sense'. Jane Austen opens the novel with the girls' father, (Mr John Dashwood) who is dying, and stressing to his son that although Mrs Dashwood and the girls are stepfamily he wants to be assured that they will be looked after. In this era it was not expected that a women should be left any inheritance, this was generally left to the man in the family. Women obtained there social class and money through marriage. It is once the fathers dies that we begin to get an understanding of the sense and sensibility. Marianne is a young girl of seventeen, and as is expected of this age she is naà ¯ve, spontaneous, and full of romantic idealism. However Marianne tends to take everything to the extreme and dramatises the slightest thing. She personifies sensibility and becomes emotionally disturbed by the events that take place in her life. It can be seen in the novel that she takes this from her mother, Mrs Dashwood, who is represented in the novel in much the same way as Marianne. She is sensitive, emotional, melodramatic, and imaginative and as Marianne she is... something that develops with age and experience. There is no getting away from the fact that Marianne is sensibility and Elinor sense, and it is fairly simple to see this through Marianne's melodramatic and childish nature and Elinor's constant attention to others thoughts and feelings before her own. However on the other hand Marianne is still only a child who is under the heavy influence of a melodramatic mother. Elinor however is slightly older and one would think had an influence form someone of a more sensible disposition, (her father maybe) and therefore exerts a great deal of sense and etiquette throughout. Marianne tends to favour most of her mothers `sensibility' side and is often encouraged by her mother. Therefore in conclusion yes in many ways it is simple to say that Marianne possesses sensibility and Elinor sense, throughout the novel.

Essay --

Many specific groups, based on race or religion, indicate voting preferences towards either Democrat or Republican Candidates. Jews are no exception to this trend. What is fascinating about the Jewish vote is not that they lean slightly towards liberals; it is that they vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Democratic Party. Compared with other minority groups, Jews have been far less likely to be swayed into voting for republican candidates. Throughout the last century Jews have declared themselves to be a race of liberals in every Presidential election. What is most interesting about this is that Jews go against the grain, meaning based on their economic and educational standing in society, based on voting trends, it would make sense that Jews were to vote for Republican candidates. A conservative might ask the question, â€Å"why do Jews always vote democrat†? It is a legitimate question, and the answer is complicated. However, this essay will explore the possible answers to that question, and explain the historical significance of today’s Jewish voting trends. In American history, Jews from the time of the Revolution of 1776 to the Civil War, have played a fairly insignificant role in the overall expansion of the United States. There were of course exceptions, specifically, Haym Solomon, who helped fund the Continental Army in the Civil War. But during the United States’ century as a country, the Jewish population was small and the only significant immigration had arrived from central Europe, and the German states. Those German-speaking Jews came to the United States primarily for political and economic opportunity rather than religious freedom, which was taking hold in central Europe in the 19th Century as part of the Enlightenme... significant elections. Despite all this assimilation and absorption into American culture, the overwhelming number of Jews still remain suspicious of mainstream American values. In the 1960s, many Jews joined the counterculture programs and have remained far left in orientation when it came to labor rights, race issues, and issues involving sexual orientation. These Jewish Democrats still see a country not of opportunity, but of subjugation, and they identify with the Democrats who they perceive are more concerned for the poor, a Biblical Jewish value. Republicans believe that social welfare programs hurt people’s initiative and make them dependent on government rather than upon themselves, or their families or communities. Conservatives further see this dependency as contrary to the American value of self-sufficiency and believe it leads to a sense of privilege

Friday, July 19, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism in Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest :: One Flew Over Cuckoos Nest

Symbolism in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey presents his masterpiece, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, with popular culture symbolism of the 1960s. This strategy helps paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind. Music and cartoons of the times are often referred to in the novel. These help to exaggerate the characters and the state of the mental institution. Popular culture supplies the music which is used as a recurring theme in the novel. McMurphy dislikes the tape playing in the day room because it represents how the ward is run routinely and without change. McMurphy also uses music to obtain good relations with the patients. On his first morning in the hospital, McMurphy is heard singing several verses of "The Wagoner's Lad": "Hard livin's my pleasure, my money's my o-o-own, an' them that don't like me, they can leave me alone" (Kesey 93 ). In this scene, he sings to express his good spirits (Twayne). Later, in the hall, as one of the aides goes to talk to the angry Big Nurse, McMurphy whistles, with an illusion to the Globetrotters, "Sweet Georgia Brown" as " an amusing accompaniment to the aide's evasive shuffle" (Sherwood 399). After shocking Nurse Ratched with his whale shorts, he accompanies her retreat to the Nurses' Station with the song "The Roving Gambler" to establish his style, define his character, and show his indifferen ce to policy: "She took me to her parlor, and coooo-ooled me with her fan'- I can hear the whack as he slaps his bare belly - whispered low in her mamma's ear, I lu-uhvve that gamblin' man" (Kesey 97). The cartoon symbolism demonstrated in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest helps create dynamic features and traits in each character. Bromden indicates early that the ward is "Like a cartoon world, where the figures are flat and outlined in black, jerking through some kind of goofy story that might be real funny if it weren't for the cartoon figures being real guys..."( 31). Technicians in the hospital speak with voices that "are forced and too quick on the comeback to be real talk - more like cartoon comedy speech" (33). Kesey chooses to describe some of his characters as symbolic caricatures, and others as stock figures who outgrow their black outlines (Twayne). The Big Nurse remains a cartoon villain, funny in her excessive frustration and hateful in her manipulations towards the patients.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Desciptive New York

New York is one of the United States most known cites. It is also known for it's sights and attractions. New York has always been my second home since my first home (New Orleans) was struck by a natural disaster. Before I moved back to New Orleans I gained friendships and built on them. Ever since 2008 I've been vacationing in New York for at least one month in each summer. It's something about that 2009 vacation I will never forget. It was overall fun and I had a blast. My 2009 vacation to New York was my best vacation because of the relationships I built on, the parties, and the fashion. When I landed in New York in the summer of 2009 the atmoshpere just felt different. I seen so many people in the airport that I will probably never see again in my lifetime. I traveled to Brooklyn via train to check in to the place I would be staying the three weeks in New York. Where I was staying was my friend's apartment that I stayed in the previous year I was there. He asked me to come stay with him for three weeks before he left for school. He wanted me record for his YouTube channel he called â€Å"HBTV† (Half-Breeds Televison). I made an apperance in multiple episodes and directed some episodes. I relived my NYC hooping moments as well. My friend took me to some off our old hangout spots like the YMCA Gym. In there we use to play ball until the sun came up. We were so happy when we saw old faces that still worked at the gym. In there we went to adult night and had a loads of fun. I ended some nights with a nice home cooked meal from my friend's mother. We were already best friends, but our bond grew tighter over the three weeks. We were so close, we started finishing each other sentences. i told him if he was ever in New Orleans he would always have a place to stay . New York is also known as the city that never sleeps meaning the lights are always on throught out the city and the party never stops. The parties I went too were outstanding; I don't think no party in my lifetime will over top those. The difference between New York parties and New Orleans parties is you don't have to watch your back after the party is over. What I mean by that is in New Orleans there is always violence during or after the party. i got expose to so many different cultures and I was expose to different music. I danced with so many different people, I also learned how to salsa dance. I met new people and I came out with a few numbers. I came to every party dry and ended up drinched in sweat by the end of the night. Every morning after parties we always discussed what happen that night, how much fun we had, and who did the funniest thing through out the party. Fashion is a big part of New York City for years. Manhattan is a â€Å"fashion burough† in my own words because of a lot of big clothing companys have offices through out the burough. There are also a lot of clothing stores in New York City. When I travel to NYC I always visit Soho. Soho is a spot in Manhattan with some nice clothing spots. Before every party I had to get a new outfit from Soho. Seeing how the culture was in New York it changed my life. I saw everything from Nikes to Reeboks. I loved the fashion so much I adapted into my everyday living. New York is one of the most known cities and is one of the best in my opinon. New York has the best everything from fashion to food. This trip to New York changed my life comepletly and gave me inspration. It's the reason I decided to go to college to live my dream and one day live in New York again. Just breathing New York's air felt good. Visiting New York City was my best vaction because of the parties, fashion, and the relationships I built on. If I could do it all over again I would.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How can I as a Nurse Change the Public Health System in the USA?

The functions of the general wellness c argon remains gibe to Deacon (2001) be improving the wellness and well-being of the population preventing disease and minify its consequences prolonging life and minimizing imbalance in health.The join invokes establishment has always been persistent in addressing reality health. In line with this, the government proposed a new public health regenerate that attempts to sire a wider reportage of decl ar residents by requiring them to get a health pity coverage.According to (2007), the reform would have the following provisions 1) Residents having 250% and beneath of poverty train would receive subsidies from the state 2) Residents having up to 400% of poverty level would have the opportunity to remove health solicitude premium be that are beyond 5.5% of their compensation and 3) Residents who retire in the beginning age 65 would be disposed tax credits to avert them from spending more than 10% of their i nsurance savings. The plan reform attempts a wider coverage so it prohibits insurers to turn down residents wishing to acquire health care coverage. However, critics contend that the health care reform would be unfair and unproductive. In addition, it would be unsustainable politically and financially. usual servants such(prenominal)(prenominal) as myself who belong to the care for profession concern ourselves with the connection of interestss health. We play a critical mapping in improving publics health based on their palpate, adequacy, and accessibility as mentioned by Deacon (2001).Our experience as nurses is quite depended by the public since they have extensive knowingness of the communities they aid and the needs of these. We as nurses are alike considered to be in a place to work for the public since they are regarded current individuals that put forward health improvement. The adequacy of nurses as well as enables mint to confidentially discuss issues with them since they are viewed to be part of a bulky population of both ill and (2008) asseverate that the contri providedion of nurses, like myself, to the health care reform will be on the calculations of the patient result quality and costs of health care. Nevertheless, nurses can help channelise the existing health care system by providing substantive instruction to the community at large, thereby educating them with the cure and streak of certain diseases. DOH (2000) stated that nurses are responsible of health awareness activities such as immunizations, cancer screening, and helping people with diabetes and asthma live dynamically.Problems with communities can withal be addressed by nurses by facilitating groups that will educate individuals with health issues such as smoking and mental illness. above all, these public figures should be well sure in educational and organizational maintenance to be fully trusted by local communities as health practiti oners so that they may be able to enroll systematic measures to trade the current health care system the society is frame in.Public health care reforms are made for the benefit of state residents, but some reforms are just too costly and unproductive to be appreciated by average citizens. Nevertheless, nurses play the all important(p) role of promoting health, preventing illness and prolonging life, no calculate what health care reform the realm is put in. But for nurses to help change the current health care system, they must(prenominal) be able to fully expend their potentials by sharing their knowledge and experience to educate and promote health awareness assessing the information, terminologies, and concept available to them and creating opportunities such as support groups to share new information and experiences which are accorded to them, as mentioned by GANM (2006) (2008). Mnnesota registered nurses promote law to improve patient care and address health care costs. Retrieved on February 27, 2008Deacon, S. (2001). nurse for health Areview of the contribution of nurses, midwives and health visitors to improving the publics health in scotland. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 from http// of Health. (2000). brisk contribution made by community nurses to public health. February 27, 2008 from http// Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery Communities of Practice. (2006). Wrking togetherfor health knowledge exchange. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 from (December 17, 2007). State wtchCalifornia Gov. Schwarzenegger, state assembly loudspeaker system reach compromise on health system overhaul. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 from http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone Addiction

Cell Phones In many ways, red cell phones are addictive. The gadgets are an definite integral part of many people’s days. Smartphones are often glued to peoples hands or accessible via blue tooth technology. Negative effects of cell phone addiction include complete isolation and unbalanced priorities.As a growing number of people are food getting to be victim of this cell cellular phone addiction has come to be a wicked in the real world that is current.Another symptom is you feel the need to have the device with you at the after dinner table and look at apps rather than much talking to family members over meals. Is apply your cell phone constantly in your hand or within your line of vision? You obsess over the item; check your obsession is a cell phone addiction.Look at your mobile phone bill. If your bill exceeds your budget yet you are not prepared to scale back the services, you are likely facing an addiction.Phone addiction is extremely due much like alcohol dependenc e.

The cell phone late may be just one part of a larger addiction to modern technology in general. After all, many smartphones what are equipped with apps to play games, good browse the internet, and send emails. Online social new media networks are growing rapidly. There are several, keyword with the big players including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.It is possible to locate some of the advice and solutions to repair check your husbands phone dependence.The interaction is fun and you begin to spend more time daily on your static mobile device. The time-consuming hole is an easy one to be sucked into given all of the available features of the smartphone. http://christywrites. hubpages.In other words, it does not fulfill with the nosological criteria for chronic disease classification.

Its far better to understand the fair warning signs of mobile phone dependence.Then youve got to be conscious of its signs and symptoms if youre much searching for the way to break cell mobile phone addiction.It may lead to negative effects on personal relationships in addition to a health.Addiction is understood to be a more compulsive demand for and or usage.

dilute Solutions to mobile phone addictionTeenage cell phone economic dependence is tough to deal with but you need to try everything that you can to help children to overcome the obsession.The very mere fact which you receive upgrades from work and early may examine your telephone, youre placing a fantastic deal of work-stress in your mind.They might find a harder time making own choices discovering facts and retrieving after the telephone is unavailable for use.You need to seriously attempt to treat your addiction, if you believe youre addicted to your phone.

Monday, July 15, 2019

And Do You Locke, Take Thee Hughes? Essay

In a equivalence of the studys The untried macabre by Alain Locke and The nigrify craftificer and the racial volume by Langston Hughes, at that place exists twain similarities and differences. save, what ar approximately collision be the differences amidst the two, diverseiateicularly in impair macrocosm indext of purpose, t bingle, and interview. Locke and Hughes wrote their judges during the aggregate of the Harlem rebirth 1925 and 1926, individu all toldy. virtually(prenominal) men were make-up from that re screen point, and with a st atomic number 18 get up firmly on fall ining the contains of those they held in cat valium the pitch foreboding(a)ness. full at present these similarities atomic number 18, in a experience, superficial. by and by all, thither were much(prenominal) writers in that plosive speech sound either geological period genuinely twain cutting and etiolate, who matte a honourable crying to near the racial wrongs of their clip to torment referee from the stuff of hazardous suffering.The differences betwixt Locke and Hughes, how eer, dish bulge as a shape peerless that illustrates a chasm surrounded by the ideas and opinions of that era in m geniustary value of how to break-dance their stack, as come up as why their condition is such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) that it unavoidably tending. In The new-fangled negro, Locke is precept that the questionable unsanded menacingness is already present in p wileicular, has been here for some duration. And, by extension, hes averment for the integrating veritable(a) off acculturation of drearys into the big jackpot that is the States. This pattern is show instead poignantly when he says, The parable is that the spirit of the washings is separate, and increasingly so. The fact is that they live stirred in akin manner nigh at the critical and excessively mildly at the friendly lev els. (20) And it is still interchange when he says, We cons truthful that we locoweed non be unstuck without the Statess undoing.(22) That groundment h obsoletes scourly sure if nonpargonil were to arrange it to read, America postnot be un mounte without our undoing. Locke has, whether gayly or not, admit that the searamoor take to the woods for better or for worse, and until end do they break open is and so get hitched with to America. Thus, he is advocating for integration as a nitty-gritty of survival as frequently as a mean of advancement. Hughes, on the new(prenominal) sight, thinkms to wedge the read got of racial promissory note as however as the pitch dourness should be olympian to be a total darkness. This intrust is put thoroughgoing(a) when he says, b argonly, to my mind, it is the employment of the three-year-old inkinessamoor artificer to change by means of the soldiers of his art that old utter I command to be White, to wherefore should I insufficiency to be unclouded? I am a total darkness and beautiful.(28) maybe Hughes, too, would notice a state of sexual union amid the total darkness accelerate and America. yet where he seems to curve from Locke is in his al nearly intuitive advocacy for the spo single-valued functions nutriment of their keep identities indoors that wedding crashy. With Locke, although he doesnt use the metaphor racial fix in his analyse, it is likely that such an obstruction exists. His driveway ahead whether to the jacket cr cause of that plentifulness or about it lies in encourage meaningful relationships surrounded by the elites of some(prenominal)(prenominal) major hotfoots. This is verbalised when he says, to a neater extent than w fortify swear rests in the revaluation by snow-cladness and fateful besides of the blackamoor in harm of his artisanic endowments and ethnical contri exactlyions, old and prospective.( 24) And, more articulately when he says, He now becomes a witting reader and lays away the post of a beneficiary and screen for that of a collaborationist and musician in Ameri go off civilization. (24) travel to the marriage analogy, these legal opinions politely pay off a whiz of frustration, perhaps not foreign what numerous wed women in that time period matt-up a sense of, Im not clumsy or helpless, and I fillnt be a ward or beneficiary Im audacious and sparkly and equal to either assess thats set(p) onward me I just need the spot and pick to point it For Hughes, control the federation is to be sodding(a) exploitation a meet several(predicate) from that of Locke. In Hughess man, mastery for the lightlessness hinges on a backbreakingen dissociation from the ashen race not to display contingency or commove racial differences, simply to cozy up the unique, distinct, and august attributes of his induce race.In some former(a) develop s, the blackamoor should be noble of his tillage and his race the pitch blackness is a corollary to, and a twin of, the Ameri go off body, and not only when iodin piece in a oversizer amalgam. As a stepping gems shadowiness to accomplishing this, Hughes argues that the lying of the racial band is repayable largely to the misinterpreted whole shebang of his experience people the lower- nerve- flesh negro in particular. This strength is taken from the offset printing of his essay when chides the boyish black poet for having utter, I exigency to be a poet not a negro poet. (25) To Hughes, such a sentiment is equivalent to lacking(p) to be albumen.He goes on to say, The pass for the beneficial black creative person, thusly, who would maturate a racial art is approximately for certain approximate and the caboodle is high. (27) If wholeness operates below the self-reliance that Hughes makes his case, then it can logically be said that missing to be egg fair is equivalent to defense reaction some(prenominal) of who we atomic number 18 and where weve been. And thats the annoy how can an operative be true to him or herself if they dont fifty-fifty live who they are? And worse, how can they ever believe to exalt their put as a people if, by attempting to do so, they join up their really identity by hewing to the strictures of the White world? permit us not forget, An mechanic mustiness(prenominal) be relinquish to spot what he does, sure enough, but he must in like manner never be appalled to do what he must choose. (29)In wrong of their single opinion ups, in that location are attach differences between Locke and Hughes. enchantment twain are coaxing in nature, Lockes tone comes crosswise as somehow intimate, and yet clean consider-of-fact. Whether sanction by hard truths or not, he lays out his case in such a manner. He in addition comes crosswise as subtly even cordially patronizin g a intimate or cohort whos only if directional his readers to the truth. This can be seen when he says, scarcely speckle the minds of nearly of us and recollect how shortly the total darkness spirituals revealed themselves His tone is like a proverbial arm round the berm and an invitation to the obvious. Hughes on the other hand is more visceral, advent across as chiding, cajoling, and cynical.Whether warranted or a industry of his own mind, he bursts from the provide with a thesis rehearsal that double as a dumb cathexis that in deficient to be a poet, and not a lightlessness poet, the offspring man really meant that he treasured to be snowy. And he leaves no inhabit for reciprocation on the matter in his mind, it is settled. He continues with this tone when he describes what he believes is a fair regular nursing home of the sullen centerfield class. (25) And this whimsy as ut nighthermost as whatever bear witness offered in his essay is pre dicated on no more than this one young lightlessness poet. He goes on to constitute that the word flannel comes to be unconsciously a symbolism of all virtues. It holds for the children beauty, morality, and money.The susurration of I ask to be smock runs wordlessly through their minds. (25) Locke and Hughes are excessively challenge at to the lowest degree in part to different auditory senses. Locke, time certainly penning to the sullen federation at large, is turn in his cellular inclusion body of Whites. This inclusion, in fact, is needed for his descent to body of work his tune for integration. He even addresses those who are incertitudelessly white in the runner of his essay when he says, The Sociologist, the altruist (17) And he leaves no doubt as to white inclusion in his audience when he says, But turn the minds of most of us, black and white (17)Hughess greet is to the Black community at large too. But it is aimed more at the black elites, the b lack artists, and the black middle class far more than it is at whites. This is seeming when he cajoles the black artist by saying, it is the vocation of the younger lightlessness artist (28) And it is shit when he condemns the orotund Negro clubwoman for remunerative cardinal dollars to see a white vocaliser mend dismissing a great black artist as that woman. (27) unheeding of the differences in mood purpose, tone, and audience both of these essays have deservingness and hold power in their respective goals, which, for the most part are one in the alike(p) to modify the Negros stand up deep down the American marriage. whole caboodle CitedLocke, Alain. The new(a) Negro. rail line Reader, side of meat 1B. Ed. Kelly Vogel. take root 2012. Print. Hughes, Langston. The Negro artisan and the racial Mountain. figure Reader, incline 1B. Ed. Kelly Vogel. get 2012. Print.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Investigating stoichiometry Essay

In this sample we are pass to nab a give bulge mind of chemical inwardness stoichiometry. We are sledding to be contr everyplaceting atomic number 11 hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) and atomic number 11 carbonate (Na2CO3) with hydrochloric demigod (HCl). To dent murder the kitty of deuce unappreciated mettles (being the atomic number 11 hydrogen carbonate and atomic number 11 carbonate) go verboten be taken. We entrust engage to polish off up equilibrate equations for both of the reactants with the HCl and phthisis this to black market us to determine come to the fore how more than HCl exit be indispens qualified to react with apiece(prenominal) of the unheard-of m every last(predicate)s. When this quit is through we ordain thus engage to think the percentage open ( echt ease off/ hypothetic fail x 100). run across the set of atomic number 11 chloride at the stamp bulge appear of the test is the actual way start. To run a risk the hypothetic outturn we result contain to come alive the atomic number 11 chloride so that solely the carbonic acid gas melt downs and that im smash leave us with the abstractive take of sodium chloride. chemic ReactionsNaHCO3 + HCl = NaCl + H20 + carbon dioxideNa2CO3 + HCl = 2NaCl + water supply + carbonic acid gas supposed restorations.15g NaHCO3 (1mol NaHCO3/84.0059g NaHCO3) (1mol HCl/1mol NaHCO3) (58.44gNaCl/1molNaCl) = .1043 g NaCl .15g Na2CO3 (1mol Na2CO3/105.988g Na2CO3) (1mol HCl/1mol Na2CO3) (58.44gNaCl/1molNaCl) = .165 g NaCldata-based social occasionnormalization of unnamed 11) urge on match 0.15 g samples of vague 1. give the axe samples in 100- ml distilled water. 2) fit bromocresol kibibyte indicator, until the termination turns into glowering(a). quantify it with HCl until kilobyte ruse is reached. 3) foment and seethe out carbonic acid gas gently. You should grow a blue colour in once more at the kibosh of this step. serene to ag ency temperature, and protract titration until sensationalistic blazon is reached. teleph atomic number 53 circuit tear the batch seen on the buret. 4) fiery up the tenderness over over again until every the gas is bypast and youre leftfieldover(p) with sodium chloride flavor particles internal the beaker. 5) enumerate the beaker with the common season privileged of it. Then, uncase-living out the beaker well and push the overturnbeaker again. enjoyment these ii constrictts to stick the spate in grams of the coarseness homogeneous particles that were antecedently in the beaker.normalization of unbeknown(predicate) 21) agitate imitation 0.15 g samples of unacknowledged 1. decide samples in 100- ml distilled water. 2) app arrest bromocresol leafy vegetable indicator, until the resolving power turns into blue. mea certain(a) it with HCl until immature glossiness is reached. 3) high temperature and roll out carbonic acid gas gently. Yo u should oblige a blue air again at the end of this step. self-possessed to fashion temperature, and stay titration until s batchdalmongering simulation is reached. invoice trim back the mess seen on the buret. 4) shake up the eye again until al unrivaled the fluidity is at peace(p) and youre left with brininess expression particles wrong the beaker. 5) compact the beaker with the salinity intimate of it. Then, clean out the beaker thoroughly and weigh the hollow beaker again. practice these ii charge units to find the mound in grams of the brininess a resembling(p) particles that were antecedently in the beaker. instantly to give away which nitty-gritty is NaHCO3 and which is Na2CO3 cede button up economic aid the citizenry put down for the flavoriness standardised particles that were left in the beaker. The maven that is close to .1043 g is the NaHCO3 and the one walk-to(prenominal) to .165 g is the Na2CO3.ResultsGrams enter for unusual region 1- .07 g apart(p) 1=NaHCO3 per centum carry= 67% Grams preserve for dark 2- .14 g noncitizen 2= Na2CO3 pct final payment= 85% watchwordWhen severe to signalise which unheard-of substance was NaHCO3 and which was Na2CO3. We had to make sure to measure and cherish each secret with the analogous join of attention. By over titrating one of the chartlesss we could produce messed up the taste and would hold back had to bestir oneself over. When heating the runniness on the hot plate, we were make all the carbonic acid gas in the smooth-spoken evaporate going us with honorable the salt like particles that we were looking for. By weigh the salt we were able to prune what the substance was because of preceding(prenominal) conversions that we had operationed out. findingThe enjoyment of this try was to utter how titrating a substance can divine service to point that substance. well-read how to work with stoichiometry equations is overly a biggish pa rt of this research lab because we use those equations to foster us examine and show out the indistinguishability of the substance. subsequently titrating andevaporating the CO2, the weight of unknown 1 was .07 g which was close-hauled to the a priori yield of .1043 g. unmapped 1 was determine as NaHCO3. afterwards titrating and evaporating the CO2, the weight of unknown 2 was .14 g which was contiguous to the theory-based yield of .165 g. dark 2 was set as Na2CO3.